I wish I would have discovered Mario Badescu when I was younger and had even more difficult skin. As it is, I have weird breakout-prone skin that needs some anti-aging help, and I'm always stuck in the middle of the two. However, I've cobbled together an amazing routine of Mario products that have completely changed my skin.
I start with Acne Facial Cleanser, and then use the Special Cleansing Lotion C. Two or three times a week, I'll use the Drying Mask, then Special Cleansing Lotion C again. To finish, I'll use a generous amount of the Drying Cream. Then it's time to deal with specific breakout problems. Normal pimples need a generous dose of the Drying Lotion, while cystic-type problems need the Buffering Lotion.
Find out more about Mario Badescu products at http://www.mariobadescu.com.
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