I just discovered a fun new site to explore and poke around. Sparkle Shelf is all about beauty and style - from makeup and beauty to hair and clothes. Everything you need for your personal style. So far, it looks like a good deal of fantastic articles, fun quizzes, and even a celebrity smackdown. Go check it out!
Newly Discovered Site: Sparkle Shelf
Eye Candy
I've long had the book on my Amazon favorites list on the sidebar over there, but seeing this video makes me even more interested in the book. Talk about inspiration!
FOTD: Urban Decay
Urban Decay is one of my all time favorite cosmetic companies. Their eyeshadows are heavily pigmented, and they have a large selection of colors from glitter to matte, and I'm always able to find something that I love.
Today, I'm wearing mostly Urban Decay. Starting with the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion. Then I covered the entire lid with Sin. On the lower lid and crease I did a wash of Shattered. The liquid liner in copper that you see here is actually Rimmel's Underground line, and I can't find it anywhere anymore. I will be incredibly sad when mine runs out, because it has been my favorite for ages. Lashes have three coats of Cover Girl Volume Exact Mascara in Very Black
. What I like to do with my lashes is apply two coats, and while I'm waiting for it to dry, I pencil in my brows (almost always with Too Faced Brownies pencil), then go back with my eyelash brush (not a comb - use the brush to brush out clumps), get all the clumps out and put one final coat of mascara on. If I'm going out or just going for a dramatic eye, I'll repeat the process once or twice more.
Total Beauty Web Tour
Here is what the fab Total Beauty bloggers are writing about this week.
The Muse gives you the lowdown on Stila Kitten Silk Eyeshadow Wash and Stila Kitten Silk Shimmer Gloss!
Beauty Anonymous is loving the Foot Relief Cream and Body Exfoliator from Belli!
Jennifer over at Beauty in Real Life shares her love for a multi-tasking moisturizer from Stila.
If you're looking for longer, fuller lashes, Monique at Beauty Girl Musings has the product for you!
Jeanne at Periodic Style needs your help and wants to know: how do you organize your beauty products?
Toya at "The Life of A Ladybug" continues in her search for the best "Bronzers for Brown Girls!" In this edition, the Sephora Bronzing Essentials Kit!
Kitiya from Mischo Beauty shares a lesson on serums in her “Mischo Beauty School: Serums 101” post!
It's time to update your summer makeup and Beauty411 shares the details on the new Bobbi Brown Bronzed Pink Collection. You won't be able to resist!
A Mom in Red High Heels discovers the "Mother of Makeup". Find out the details!
Daily Dose of Coffee figures out what grownups wear to the beach.
Some Kinda Gorgeous by Benefit
I am a big fan of Benefit. And their Some Kind-a Gorgeous is my go-to for summer foundation, especially on the weekends, when I'm not up for spending a ton of time on my liquid foundation + primer + powder combo. I find the coverage is quite even and smooth, without being cakey or just too much. It feels to me as though it's a nice combination of primer plus foundation, and it doesn't encourage huge oil slicks on my face. I usually sweep a bronzer over it for good measure, but it's not necessary.
And right now, you can get a FREE some kind-a gorgeous
want to win a $1000 Sephora gift card?
Cast your vote(s) to win one of every winning brand, a $1000 gift card to Sephora, and a trip for two to Sephora University. I can't decide which out of these three is the best of the deal, but lucky for the winner, they don't have to decide! They get all of them! Ten second place winners get a $100 gift card to spend on anything at Sephora, which is a super deal in and of itself. I'm off to vote!
What Grownups Wear to the Beach
We get to a certain age and we realize that it just won't do to look like the 18 year olds out on the beach. While some may get discouraged, it's important to realize that dressing appropriately usually means dressing your age. Just because you can't flaunt a 20 year old body anymore doesn't mean that you can't look gorgeous on the beach and turn a few heads. Here I've put together a few things that would make anyone stand out while enjoying the surf and sand. Don't forget the sunscreen!