As all of my fellow ladies know, I have long-since been a struggler of acne. Recently, I professed my undying love and devotion to Mario Badescu for his magical glycolic foaming cleanser and amazing drying mask. Although I have seen the light and the way through Mario, I still get my once-a-weekers. You know, the one that pops up right when you're glowing from a clear complexion. She's a bitch. Enter the laundry list of "acne spot treatments" I've used in the past:
- Toothpaste (old school crest with no whitening)
- Hemmorhoid cream (If it can tame a hemmorhoid, why couldn't it tame one of my little monsters??)
- Rubbing Alcohol (I made matters worse by lancing first. Yowza!!)
- Pure Aloe (Yeah, not sure why I thought this would work.)
- Mud (I'm totally serious. But I'm a hippie, so wouldn't you expect this?)
- a myriad of over-the-counter drugstore brands (Clean & Clear, Noxema, Stridex, ZapZit, Clearisil, Neutrogena, etc.)
After those failing experiments, I lost hope...or so I thought. Yet again, enter my Italian hero Mario with my new favorite product: Drying Lotion. Funny story, I remember seeing this little pink bottle in the back of Cosmopolitan and Glamour with all of the mail-order ads. Ha. This amazing little bottle of pink goo was advertised with a cream that promised to enhance my breast size and a pill for hair growth. No more!! I am here to shout from the mountaintops, sing to the masses, "I have found it!! The TRUE on-the-spot acne treatment!" Serious, ladies.
I was not convinced by appearances at first. It is a tiny glass bottle, 1 ounce to be exact, with a solid substance on the bottom of the bottle that filled it about an inch and a murky, oil-like fluid topping it off to the brim. With isopropyl alcohol, calamine, colloidal sulfur and salicylic acid all coming to the game, it's no surprise this pink goop packs a punch. It's actually quite interesting to use as well. You DO NOT BY ANY MEANS shake it up. It ruins the properties of the ingredients and affects the way it interacts with your skin. SO, you take the top off, dip a q-tip down into the pink solid goop at the bottom and pull it back out. Proceed to dot this magical pink substance on one or all of your rude spots before bed and let it do the work while you sleep. Wake up. Rinse off. Voila. I kid you not. This stuff is incredible. I am convinced that this Mario Badescu guy heard every single one of my prayers, thoughts, rants and sob-fests over my acne. Mr. Badescu, if you're listening now, YOU KICK ASS.
Snatch it up quick at for $17.00 and watch the magic.
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